A few days ago, we brought to you interviews with GM RB Ramesh and GM Jonathan Tisdall, both of whom captained their respective sides successfully at the recently concluded Baku Olympiad. The duo spoke on a number of topics in those interviews, ranging from the Baku Olympiad to their own journey in the chess world. Now, it’s your chance to catch them unplugged, as they answer a flurry of offbeat questions, revealing lighter sides to their respective teams in the process!

About Baku
The most exciting game played by a member of your team…
1) Shankland-Sethuraman! 2) Mamedyarov- Harikrishna
(Editor: Shankland himself said: “I got totally crushed in the beginning, and I have never had such a hopelessly lost position in my life against an opponent as strong as him and walked away with a draw, much less a win.” Harikrishna beat Mamedyarov with the Black pieces to secure a crucial win which helped team India beat higher rated Azerbaijan)
Magnus’ game vs the Philippines raised my pulse the most.
(Editor: Magnus playing White found himself defending a position with a pawn down, but eventually managed to draw the game)
One game result that you would like to change…
Sethuraman – Korobov to 1-0!
(Editor: Sethuraman’s loss meant that team India lost to Ukraine 2.5-1.5 in an important round 9 match)
Aryan Tari’s loss vs Romania. Or have Hammer win in round one, and hope that changed his entire event. But when you’ve had a fantastic result, you aren’t that eager to tempt ‘fate’ or change history.

Knowing the teams
The funniest guy…
Probably Aryan. He kept trying to convince us his Iranian roots made it impossible for him to concentrate against Iran, for one thing. And he was good at it. Magnus is a joker too.

[bctt tweet=”The funniest guy in Team India!? Ramesh: Adhiban!” username=”FollowChessApp”]
[bctt tweet=”Tisdall: Aryan kept trying to convince us his Iranian roots made it impossible for him to concentrate against Iran #funny” via=”no”]
Team’s workaholic…
All of them work really really hard.
I don’t think we have one. No one overdoes it. Both Norway and Magnus have a more pleasure-driven approach to learning, so we tend to have playaholics.
The philosopher…
I suggest Nicolai Getz. He’s very calm and reflective.
[bctt tweet=”Philosopher in Team India? Ramesh: Harikrishna” username=”FollowChessApp”]
[bctt tweet=”Philosopher in Team Norway? Tisdall: Nicolai Getz! Very calm and reflective” username=”FollowChessApp”]
The biggest foodie…
Me. You may want a player, but I think this one is clear. I have even worked at a stove!

Who do you think would fare the best in a show like Fear Factor?
Magnus, purely on competitive grounds.

Team’s favourite pastime at Baku…
Walking together as a team and sharing the fun and pains.
Swimming pool meetings would be my guess.
(Co-authored by Shubham Kumthekar and WFM Rucha Pujari)